Imagine this:
1) Back in 2004, you took your A-levels results, and a full cert with one of the subject having grade B, all seems not too bad.
2) Especially when seniors told you that even C's and E's can get you into engineering courses, and that's where you want to go.
3) You happily go to career fairs and applied for NUS/NTU
4) And finally when the mail from NUS and NTU came, they only hold a piece of paper. And all that very beautiful language can be summarised into this line "sorry, you are rejected".
5) Come to 2005 and you tried everything all over again, this time round applying for even "easier" courses.
6) And...months passed to June, and the same piece of paper came to you again. From both uni.
Plus, through-out all these 2 years, you see your peers all getting their courses from NUS/NTU/SMU, going to interview, discussing whether should they change course, the girls studying hard at their uni, etc etc.
sounds familiar? Yup, that's what i went through.
And i can say now, that feeling then really wasnt too good.
It's like a suddenly change in your vision of your future.. What you thought would happen all these while is not going to happen.
And especially after everything had been so smoothly sailing in your academic path... I had scored well in PSLE, got to the best class in secondary school, went to the JC of my choice, and did not bad for prelims. And all fall down the slope in JC2... and til this state.
For moment i felt slightly inferior and been left out.... i asked, why, my peers can move on but why i just receive those rejection letters?
Perhaps there's also some of my friend out there who went thru the same as me. And i know some are in worse situation too...they still have to pull thru the remarks from their parents and the pressure when compared with their elder sibling who are studying in NUS/NTU now.
Thankfully, i began to feel better after i took a good look on the courses from SIM.
Yes, it's a private school offering local taking of overseas courses, and to some it might seem a grade lower than local uni... But after my checking around and feedbacks from friends, it not that bad. Or even better in some parts. Fees are higher for sure, but still quite ok for the time.
So after thinking, re-adjusting my future goals and planning, i decided on a course. Business Admin from UOL. Still not too far from my ulimate dream. With that, i submitted the application some time back.
But dont know why, until now i still have some un-easiness inside me... perhaps that fear of rejection still lingers inside me, after receiving 4 copies of those stuff... Yes, i know my friend had been telling me countless times that i'm certainly able to suceed with my grades, but well, the fear is still there at times.
Must jia you oh..
And for "left-out" feelings... thankfully it's minimising too. Although those of my closer friends are all at NUS/NTU, recently i seems to find more and more people going to SIM too.
First i have those few friends around me going.
Then from gatherings i found some of my old secondary sch classmates could be going too.
Then those people i know from NS, or old squad-mates
Then you have friend's friends.
Then even your very own colleague (but his's part time course)
Wow, seems like there are really alot of people applying for SIM. Certainly bound to see lots of familiar faces if i'm there this August.
And not forgetting currently there's already alot of girls from my year there now. Enough to form a Mini-SRJC union, some joked. Although they would be in their last year when we're there, but it's not too bad too.
Well, worse come worse you can make new friends too what, right?
Hmm... think there's shouldnt be too much to be afraid bah.
'Cos at the end of the day, the real good friends wouldnt lose contact and the feelings, despite been separated in different places. Or even different countries.
And for SIM case, you can still easier meet your those mates from NUS for lunch or dinner. Since both buildings are all in climenti area.
So, those who are going to NUS, please raise your hands too. Lunch anyone?