People always say: Life is a gamble.
Based on this statement, i can conclude that, i'm indeed not a good gambler.
You see, people who wins are those who knows when is enough and pulls out of the game before he losses his winnings. Those who losses the pants out are those who kept on betting after some initial sweet winnings.
So applying this to my choice of subjects, my relative good performance from my basic principles of accounting is my big win. The one that turn all losses around and pull up my weak grades of year one.
Then come to year three i bet on and took up that advanced management accounting, and now it seems, my cards are not in my favour and the game is getting real tough.
Which means i might run a risk of doing poorly in it, or worse, having other subjects to suffer as well (thanks to the time/energy consuming nature of it) Bearing in mind that, this is not my core subject, i dont have to go through this demon training, and i might not need it in future at all.
So instead of stopping there and walking off as a winner, i bet on and risk losing what i had earned.
The game is still on now, whatever that comes next is uncertain. Since i had continued, i can only press on this game, pray for better cards, and hope for a chance to 'show hand'.
"Alrighhhttt, Let's push.."
Another thing about gamble, or more about taking chances.
For the new year eve outing we had, the opportunity came and i executed something that i had concepted some time back: Getting a Mini Bus to ferry people all around.
Finance is ok, people nodded their heads, calls were made to check and book the proper mini bus for the big day... And thanks to the twist in events, the initial arrangement was gone.
So I end up taking the gamble... to call up this very shop we contacted before (see story of October 31, 2006) at the last minute, last resort, for mini bus, and 1 hour later, me and gh were in a 12 year old mitsu L300 van.
For the benefit of the rest of the world, the summary of the van is that it is old, sorta dirty, has a puny petrol engine, insect infested, 2 seats lesser than our headcount, and have a "heater" instead of aircon.
Thus you can imagine people's faces when i first turn up in that vehicle. All their initial flowery image of a "mini-bus" was thrown out of window all at once.
But at least, it was simply priceless discovering their expression when i first arrived. And, i believe, it was also a great experience for the clique to first try out travelling about in a mini bus. Quite cool actually, just like old time school expeditions. Just apologises to the last 2 person who sat on floor and the low head room.
And driving this really old school thing, was quite entertaining all over again.. When the last time you got to rev the engine to get it ignite (old sch caburettor), where all controls are simple and basic and direct....Well, entertaining at least for the first few miles... which then i was tired out.
Nevertheless, the result of the gamble was memoriable, in my opinion.
But not to worry, i will stick to a 7-seater MPV from now on.