Today. 7pm. Was having nice dinner with shufang at KFC, funan mall, sitting at a nice "window-seat-view-table". First there was no cars on the road (north bridge road). Next 2 TP bikes rode pass in the reverse direction. And everyone in KFC stretched their neck, to see the entire parade of SAF & SPF and etc march pass. Today is the one of the full dress rehearsel (and preview for selected schools), and guess they just completed their march pass from the Padang. As i look at their sychonised movements, i was wondering... how do they feel? Everyone used to march on normal grounds, "lucky" ones on stadium.. but this time? normal roads for normal traffic, with buildings like the new Supreme court (full of marble walls), Treasury, and Funan Mall making up the surroundings.... and the against flow of traffic somemore. Interesting.
And when our guys feel so proud to be in their No.1s and marching at padang, the residents in my area are proud of singapore too. Today is 9th of july, and just a few days ago i already see a flag being hung at a unit of a block near me. My sister was even more excited when she sees it...that she took a pix of it.
...but the best part is, soon after this unit, several others follow suit. This gave me the impression of "kiasu-ness"....haha... "wah, got people put le eh!! quick quick must hang too, cannot lose to them ah!"
^_^"hmm... our MP very active mah." my sister commented, as we are looking at the sea of reds on that block, while waiting for our bus at the busstop today.
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