I dont know too. Seriously, seems like recently in this festival of joy, interacting with other road users wasnt that joyful as it was. Lane change with checks, enetering into main road without sight, inpatience with tailgating and less tolerant to mistakes...all around. In the end my usage of honks really increased by much, (and i think i'm addicted) and if you realise i'm someone who was commented by his girl on his inabilities to use the honk. Not to mention that i had been honked too.
It's not the increase of traffic. The in office hours morning/evening peak times, there are much more cars on road, but they exist and interact in a more orderly manner... unlike this holiday period?
And yes, i realise my parallel skills had seriously detoriated. Twice i had problems and rubbed tyres on the kerb, taking record times to complete the park.
The worst time was this: Imagine you had lost your way briefly, trying to figure out the route, handling the clutch (there was junctions and red lights) and stiil, fighting with the other cars. For that moment (and only that moment) i have desire for taking a sbs bus.
Anyway! It's not tat bad lar, at least there's still times of enjoyment. The same old stuff cheers me up --- spotting great cars.
Nothing beats the feeling when you hear in real time a Lamborgini sped pass, opening up the values that stir up your heartbeat. Or that cute little metallic pink Vitz (jap made toyota Yaris) ran past to provide a alternative car (and colour) out of the sea of altis-es.
And of coz the sleek new new new Audi TT. Imagine the night before you just read about it on the magazine and next day it's living alive next (drove pass) you.

ok lar, abit far rite? After getting my girl to get her cammera (mine's down remember) switch on and shot and etc, ...better than nothing.
It's true, little things makes you smile.
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