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Sunday, August 26, 2007

the new way to cut a cake.

Last sat, the few of us gathered for dom's 22nd bday. A simple dinner, few frens put together on a short notice, and present bought with BF's guidance. Still, it was a great time.

Especially the special program after the dinner at marina bay steamboat. Dining there strategically to coincide with the fireworks that night, we managed to get a few glances of the fireworks shot high up the night skies, above the trees. Only if the music could spread over the river to our bay, it would be perfect.

But not in the plan was the jam that proceeded after it. Small road + huge crowds = traffic disaster. To make matters worse, the driver (that is, me) made a wrong turn and we rejoined the queue again. Thus we gave up on our intended destination to cut the cake and decided to do it on the spot -- Yes, the carpark.

Make-shift table from my dad's van's toolbox, candle lighter from the car cigarette lighter (that doesnt work), and ambience from the nearby cars' roar & honks as they stuck in jam. This is the Bday celebration. But the bday's girl happiness and smiles was there, and that was what mattered. If she is happy, then we friends (& her bf) are glad.

Happy 22nd to dom! Good luck in your career and may a smooth sailing life follows!

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