21st bday : Big Aloha chalet, Big crowd, big budget, Lots of foods and options
22nd bday : Small chalet (aloha too), 7 pax, small budget and one steamboat.
But i'm not complaining. As a matter of fact, i enjoy it more. Planning is still involved but less intense. More importantly, less quantity = more quality. Quality time with quality people; how better can that be?
A thank you to the "old folks" there on 19oct. Especially those who squeeezed their time to come. Although everything including the program was damn simple, hope u guys had enjoyed the time, the food, and the company. ;)
....derrick, kent, dom, zw, sf....Not in pix, Wailing.
.....is aloha gonna be an annual booking?

Yes, the fiat punto again, this time in the semi auto disguise. Just nice for a small comparsion since after i had driven the manual previously 2 months back.
So how's my first time with something clutchless?
1) The usual: It's a godsend during traffic jams.
Especially when the clutch of the manual version is so hard to modulate.
2) ...But there's a tendency to shift later than what u want. Step only slightly harder it holds beyond 3k rpm. Not good for fuel.
3) Jerk during hard driving. So drive gently and leave it to it own device. Smooth is definately attainable, after I've gotten used to it.
4) Manual mode. Push it to right and select via +/.
Fun yes, but why is it in opposite direction? So unnatural to push forward to change up, when forces are pulling u back.
5) ...And if i'm not wrong, surprising manual mode not quick as real manual. I tried changing gear and lifting the accelerater as if it was manual, but i get jerks.
None if i release it longer. Is the change slow or sys confused? Didnt get to find out..
6) The standard car beeps whenever seat belt not fasten etc. Now, there's more stuff to beep about...: Not stepping on brakes while shifting to reverse, Not shifting to 1 when engine starts, Not shifting back from neutral when engines shuts, Not shifting to correct gear in manual, etc etc. The passengers and drivers are equally annoyed.
7) Advert claims that the Semi auto is more fuel saving than manual one. Result, auto 11.5km/l vs manual 13.2 .... Not quite it seems. But to give it some credit, i covered more smooth expressway kilos in the manual back then than this time.
Still, the rest of the car is still great. Bar the weaker built quality in glove box and some ergonomics niggles, it's : Stable, effortless, comfy, and uniquely striking looking. Just dont buy a black one. It blends away all her gorgeous curves.
And i go straight to the point. One day before my chalet, I broke the bumper of the car.
It was really bad luck. The Punto was parked with butt over kerb, and we got the guy to transfer to rear seat. I didnt check before moving off, so the sunken back was being pulled out by the kerb.
KRAAK it went. It crumbles with my heart. Sounds like exactly the same as my previous accident with that van and taxi.
Broke the assembly on the outer side of bumper, and broke too the plans for the night. Oh yes, the car was only 2months old from registration. Guess how obivious is the damage.
But what memoriable was what happens next.
We spent the next 2,3 hours trying to fix the bumper. We went on kneels to inspect, analyize, and fix.
Even to search on the ground of any dropped parts.
Honestly, i would really really be lost if i was alone. No question asked, no fingers pointed, just fix the problem together. I really appreaciate it.
After rushing to kelvin house for tools and eventually amk hub to buy that special screw, it was being put back.
If only the car wasnt that new and shop wasnt that sharp, we could have sailed through it.
The misalignment gave it away. And we were $180 poorer.
NEvertheless, thank you very much.
Not in order of merit: Kelvin, GH, Raymond & WQ.
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