Last thursday, Jinie had her convo, finally. 9 months after she finished her last paper, and 7 after her grad.
So the atrium was converted again, with warm carpet rolled over the cold marble floor and warmed up by the even warmer buffet food. Definately a warmth and happy moment for every grad there with their family, that thunderstorm outside not damping any of the happy mood...
Of cos, considering how hard is it to survive this 3 years (or more) course.
And I do felt happy for my good old pal Jinie too, see-ing her back again, with her achievements.
Happily she went around, taking photos of everything. Yes, LTs, lounge, the gate, and even that new-to-her escalator.
Not everyday you see people taking photos of everything in school I guess. What always seem as a normal sight to you will suddenly be very beautiful on the day of convo. That level 1 area with the backdrop of the 4 storey high corridoors now look very significant. Or is it the rain?
And that green gate on that suppose-to-be main entrance, which few people walk through daily. Untouched and out of sight normally...This normal piece of fitting became a great photo view on the convo day where many took their shots against. Some guy even pull it out more to take more of it.
Through out her family followed along everywhere for the photos. Especially her dad, who was always known to be fierce. Not very approachable, we heard. But that day, he was in high spirited mood, smiling always and kept on suggesting possible shooting angle, and cracking that occasional joke. Very proud of his daughter. Which is a very great sight.
Happy time indeed, but in mind was in sort of a different tune.
Her mind was feeling "how great it was to be schooling, not working..."
while mine was "how great it was not to be schooling, but working..."
How weird. Only at Conovaction.
Nevertheless, Jinie, glad you made it!! Jia you on your career..
When's mine?
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Unexpectedly, I made a trip down to bukit batok the day before, via bus.
Yes, bus. Alone.
Which really inspired something out of me... I do really like the feeling of exploration on foot.
Indeed, the place was really like a foreign land to me. Having lived in the North East region for my life, and only been to major West side landmarks, this neighbourhood was the few unventured portion of singapore.
Yet when having to travel down there alone and arriving on a totally unfamiliar place, it wasnt fear or confusion that struck me. Instead, what overwhelmed me was the sense of fascination. It is the desire to explore every inch of a new place.
Journey on bus to the interchange was interesting enough. Where else can you see one big block of hill immedately next to a HDB block of flat, neighbourhood and schools built on a slightly contoured hilly land, with woods everywhere? The town look distinct to be called its own.
And the interchange. A departure from the norm SBStransits ones we always see in our region. Contrasted to the dark Bishan interchange, this one is brightly lit up with that 80's style rounded lamps hanging on that airy tall ceiling. And leading onto the above of the tail ceiling are those tall climbing stairs which looks as those bwlow the platform of Kallang stadium...
Perhaps all these small details fascinates me, that how i get excited. And perhaps that's why I desire exploring new places or taking that untried route, 'cos i will always have new sights.
That's how we conquered Hong Kong 2 years back, walked all the way down Kowloon on our own. And only armed with a MTR map, we even ventured into the less tourist-ly but more residence New Territories...
....Jet Star flies to Melborne @ $58 (w/o tax) my eyes really lit up.

Pardon the lousy angle, but here you can see bits of the description i made...
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