so the 5 minutes quick diagnostic results? Lens/chip problem. Damned...she's totally down now.
Bought her on August 2003, second hand. She was nearly new, 'cos the previous owner had gotten her as freebie from a purchase. Started with a "mileage" of 60 shots when i first got it, the counter now reads 4031 shots, after nearly 2 years of usage.
Heard from my colleague previously that when his Canon A70 failed (similiar problem i think) and he took to the Canon service centre, it's was beyond economical repair (BER).. so they gave him an offer of topping up $120+ to get a brand new A95 (the set only, without the rest of the package) , while they will keep fhe spoilt camera (for spare or whatsoever, i dont know).
would i get a similiar offer like this, this time? hmm...
but for now, derrick arh....gonna depend on your camera again liaoz.
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