last week, i told myself i had enough... my siemens wasnt still quite that stable (ya it hung on me again, and again), it lacks quite a number of stuff, and battery life wasnt that good... But, the trade-in value looks good... so before the price drops any further, why not i trade it in for another brand new phone with more features (from another brand, of coz.) And make it a flip phone too as might well.
A flip phone had been my ideal shape actually... but i always cant find one with a balance between price and features... The new Sony Ericssons (K750 included) are too pricy for me... for the other brands, either they lack in the software (connectivity) or the stuff they have..
So, after some research, the best choice appears... Nokia 6260. Nice price, and it have all the features i need ;)
And saturday, i bought the phone, with my SL65 traded-in and a 2 year plan signed (on my mum's new line) Actually, it was slightly a "risk" for me.. While normally i would find a real sample of the phone and tried it out first, i didnt this time... all my info was from the net.. From what i heard, the major complains were the bad build quality, the difficulty in single hand use, and the camera resolution...but hey, thankfully it wasnt that bad at all..! In fact, the camera was much better than my SL65's... at least i can take up to 640X480, and the colour and viewfinder are much better than the SL65.. Anyway, if i'm really to take proper pictures, i would have taken them with my digi-camera. True, some of the buttons do not feel that good, but it's still acceptable... Overall, the casing quantity feel is good. And guess my palm is big... i could sms with my right hand only.. hehe...
2 days now, and no problem. Been using siemens since my first phone, so i wasnt too used to it at first... but now i'm adapting it fast... indeed nokia is user friendly ^-^ More importantly, no screws up, no data lost, no hangings, very stable.
But.. if the package includes a data cable, it would be perfect... For the whole of yesterday, i been living with a few phone numbers and a empty set only.. haha..until i'm able to borrow shufang's laptop to transfer in my address book (exported from SL65) and a few ringtones and stuff ...gonna buy a USB-bluetooth soon.
Nevertheless, one happy owner now. heehe. ^_^
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