Soon Leong Birthday Chalet, Sat 5th AugustAnd it’s the first time that I had forgotten to bring my camera. (Left home in a hurry that day) …
Thus no photo for this entry for now. Also the one of the few times that I went to a Chalet without driving… Which later, we miss the stop on the shuttle bus and ended up at Costa Sand instead of Downtown east. Ah…really not familiar with it.
Yup, as you had known by now, Soon Leong birthday is held at our always-familiar Downtown East Chalet… which had gotten nicer over the years. Just like Kent’s, decorations had been done up… which includes that “
welcome to the party” deco that sort of “directed” me to his unit.. ‘cos it just mysteriously reminded me of his that green shirt with words “
party at my house”… haha..
Anyway, quite a number of us are there…including Daryl, Chun Min, Jasmine etc. Had lots of chat around there once again, pretty much entertained. So no worries SL, you’ve not been a bad host.
Furthermore, his chalet is filled with so much people. Classmates from all levels, including his new-found NUS mates…Pretty crowded. Moreover, he got lots of relatives there…even his food not-catered but home-cooked, prepared by them. The type of bonding he have with his relatives is what I always admired.
Happy 21st Birthday!Cheers!
Derrick Shifts to Prince George Residents, 6th August
Armed with my van and our arms, we arrived at his house that morning and began our long day of shifting work. Ok, actually he only have couple of bags and electronics to move, but majority of time was actually spent on the road, finding our way in NUS, to the Residents, finding the lift, and waiting for the paper work. Finally we got to the room:

The room. 1 bed, 2 windows.
...and 1 desk...equiped with toilet and the HDB style glass door....the view during study.Managed by CPG (which manages some HDB estates and Gov Buildings ) the interior seems to relates to some new HDB units (like those in Sengkang) The culprits should be those glass door in the shower and the windows panes, which seems like they are from the same contractor…haha.
But this is not the main point. The main thing is, despite that, the entire place looks like a resort. As you steps in from the main entrance, you feel a strong gush of wind and the view ahead is greenery (trees and hill) To the left is a mini-mart and to the right is a café.... the feeling of HK Disneyland resort is back….
And this cool thing too... While others use card access, they use a transponder to unlock the doors and lifts... Like unlocking a car, just press a button and you get a "
beep"...without the blinking signal lights of cos. Haha... guess only i will be most delighted to use it.
Overall, a very nice and cool place...
if you know the way.
Meanwhile, guess it should means a lot to Derrick too…It’s the first time he gets to live alone outside. Hope that you would enjoy this life! We try visit you often okay… haha.
Our Van…
Back home after one day of runningIn their article, CAR magazine writers shows how attractive a car is by mentioning people asking about the car as they stop at petrol kiosk or even the thumbs up they get. Rare for a van, but we are getting abit of this feeling now for our VW Caddy. Certainly not thumbs up, but I notice there are people taking peeps into the van or actually moving over to take a look when it’s parked. Perhaps it’s the colour that does the trick. Luckily we didn’t choose Silver or Lime. But meanwhile, seems like a window tinting process is required…Awaiting my dad decision (and financial approval)
So it’s been 5,6 weeks into ownership and it had covered almost 4000km worth of mileage. Not problems so far, just minor niggles….Like the door-ajar indicators had failed….which leads to us not realizing the rear door is not tight and thus, the rear wipers refused to work. Quite inconvenient that I have to shut the doors again when the wiper doesn’t move…so hope to get it fixed when the first service, by the VW dealer, comes.
Another interesting “problem” is that the rims seem to get dirty with brake dust, very easily. Just weeks and this is what we get…

Seem like this appears in other VW group cars too, like a new Audi A4 I seen on the road. Anyway, just need to wash more often.
No excuse. Haha.
And oh yes, about getting dirty…An simple solution had been implemented to prevent the seats from getting so… that’s recycling two of my white ultra big polo shirt…

Slightly weird, but beats the trouble of finding covers…
By the way, think I had scared my dear passengers last Sunday too. Was having full load (of derrick’s stuff) as I attempted the famous-twisty-hill road of South Buona Vista…and the body sort-of sway. Ok, it was heavy. The body was telling me to relax, but meanwhile I didn’t feel anything from the steering… The problem of an electric steering: Feedback. But hey, on the other hand, life was made very easy during parking, from the lightness.
That’s why here I have my conclusion of VW Caddy after 1 month : A van which is easy to live with around town, with the sharp yet light steering and torque-ly engine. Just don’t push her limits with full load…
Lastly…a bit of school…I mentioned previously about my then up-coming Econs lesson right? I had attended it last Friday…and thankfully it wasn’t that bad… Except that it takes abit to follow at first (you know, all those econs terms) but I managed to catch up after some time, The lecturer (Well, a pretty lame guy, from his jokes) did mentioned that the UOL Economics is something very different from the one from A-levels, from the focus to the way it’s been tested… So guess in the end it might be an advantage that I didn’t have experience before, so might that I wouldn’t be confused now.
Nevertheless, need to jia you oh….
Meanwhile for IBM… argh… Getting complicated…. Seems like there will be a lot of names and concept to remember…and be familiar with, ‘cos the exams is all about re-production…
And did I mentioned that my Sociology Lecture have not started yet? Haha… Something new is starting next Tuesday.
GAMBATTE! (to myself, and anyone who needs “oil” too)