(19th August, Sat. Marina Square CA cafe)
Once again, apologises to Dom, for not able to fully attend the birthday dinner I had planned for you. No matter what, hope that you like every part of the meal, everyone that had came, and most importantly, that Red Bag which we had, brainstormed and decided to get for you as your gift.

And fortunate girl, whom had fallen in the trap set by Zhiwei. On the actual day of her birthday (21st Aug, Monday) he met her and brought her to his room in Hall…….To discovered that few of her best friends are there waiting with her cake lit with candles. Nice job done.

(All photos available on my Yahoo Album “Bday-dom 21st”)
Lastly… Visited Derrick in his NUS Residences, on Friday (18th Aug) noon. Done what I had not done previously… that is to capture his beautifully resort like PGP on camera… And here you go:

"Resort" lit up at evening....And infront is a nice hill with sun set....Their cafe! Look out of the window and you see a small pool. What an ambience.
Guys, if you are free, visit him oh… before he gets bored to pieces and atoms.. hee.
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