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Thursday, February 09, 2006

gain and lose?

One day i was talking to yasmeen, and she was telling me about this...:

"When you gain something, you lose something else"

She finds it quite true, and to think of it, we could really find quite some examples to support this statement.

Just like a couple i know. The guy had gotten a driving licence, and since they gained the convenience of travelling. But as the girl tends to lose her way during navigation and the guy was quite stressed while driving, they tend to argued and piss each other off. Thus they lost some happiness too.

Or, one might gained career, but lost time for family...

But what happens when you believe in this? Tendency is that once something really good comes to you, you would start to be afraid that you might lose something in return... So you might not really be happy...

Hence, we have to know, this is not the case all the time. First, what is it that we would lose? It might not be what we forsee. Or rather, what we lose might be much smaller than what we gained. Or even, we might not lose anything at all. We might gain more in the long run.

Give you a scenerio. Assuming that you are going overseas to study in your dream course but, base on that logic on top, you afraid you might lose your bf/gf. Well, that logic still applies, but it could be just that you lost some money for the payment. Instead, you and your the other half might get even closer (cos you start to cherish each other more) And once you are back, the valuable education you had lets you earn much more than what you and/or your family had spent.

Not forgetting effort comes into place too.... You must of cos, at least make that effort to keep in contact with your other half or family when you are far away too, in order for all to cherish each other more too.. If you had taken them for granted, then certainly you might lose the bond...

In short, whatever things happens, be it be good or bad, just dont worry soo much. Do what you have to do, enjoy what you can, and let nature take it's course. All will be fine eventually...

...coz I believe everything happens for a cause. No matter what happens, all will come to a good end.

You too?

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